Five Questions Students

In this edition’s version of five questions, we decided to get to know some of our Year 7 students a little more. Thank you Kayden McNamara, Mia Kristic, Zaily Sonsie and Lily Quaggin for chat and your answers to the following questions:

  1. If you could be an animal, what would you be?
  2. What’s your favourite takeaway food?
  3. Do you make your bed in the morning?
  4. What’s your favourite season?
  5. What’s the best thing about being a student at HHS so far?


  1. A panda because they are my favourite animal.
  2. Chinese. Especially fried rice.
  3. Most of the time I do.
  4. Summer because it is my birthday.
  5. That I live across the road


  1. Dog because they are well loved.
  2. Spinners. I like the souvlakis.
  3. Sometimes.
  4. Summer.
  5. Wood work has been very fun.


  1. Dog.
  2. Noodle box or Kang’s Wok Chinese.
  3. Sometimes.
  4. Summer.
  5. Making new friends.



  1. Sloth because then I would have an excuse for being lazy.
  2. Not sure.
  3. Most of the time, I didn’t this morning though.
  4. Spring because my birthday’s in spring.
  5. My English teacher, Mr Coady. Our whole class loves him.
Lily, Zailey, Mia & Kayden
Lily, Zailey, Mia & Kayden