Lunchtimes in the STEM Centre
Part of our Wellbeing strategy is to provide opportunities for friendship development, connections with the Wellbeing Team and structured learning in a social environment. Two ways that we do this are through our year 6/7 café and lunchtime activities in the library.
On Tuesday lunchtimes this year in the STEM centre, the student leadership (in conjunction with the Wellbeing Team) has initiated the year 6/7 ‘Kizuna Café' - a designated space for our senior students to build friendships, work together and enjoy some special privileges in their final year. The café also provides an opportunity for the children to learn about planning, running and evaluating a small enterprise. A roster of helpers set up, organise and run the café each week, including keeping financial records, advertising to fellow students, setting the menu and making sure everyone helps with the pack-up.
Term 1 was a great success and the children agreed to continue with the café in Term 2. They hope to add extra activities to go along with the craft options, music and general hangout space.
On Wednesday lunchtimes this year, we have continued our craft/games/Lego in the Library. Around 50 children attend each week to build Lego creations, make crafting sensations, create artistic masterpieces, and challenge each other to a game or two. Friendships are made, social skills developed, creative skills encouraged and built up, as well as having lots of fun!
We are grateful to our wonderful volunteers Carolina and Raelene for their help in making these times happen this year.
Seasons for Growth Program
We are really excited to offer the Seasons for Growth program again this year. There has been a great response from the school community in the past, with many taking up the opportunity for their children to participate in the program.
Seasons for Growth is an innovative grief and loss education program that uses the imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of grief. It aims to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people who are dealing with significant life changes by: exploring the impact of change and loss on everyday life; and learning new ways to respond to these changes. More information can be found here: https://www.goodgrief.org.au/seasons-for-growth
The program involves 8 x 40 minute weekly small group sessions in three different age groups. Young people learn that they are not alone in dealing with the effects of change, loss and grief, and build their communication, decision making and problem-solving skills within a supportive peer group.
We will be offering the program in terms 2 and 3, however places are limited. Forms will be coming home this week for you to register your interest. These need to be returned to the office by Friday 21st May.
- Tina (Well-being Coordinator) and Cathy (Pastoral Care Worker)