Student Voice & Agency

This week's showcase.

Year 6 share their Asia research projects

The Year 6s researched, collaborated and presented to their peers (class mates) and then swapped and evaluated and provided feedback on each others work. Impressive.

Italian and Carnevale

After a busy term learning to tell the time and all about our classroom, it was wonderful to celebrate the beautiful city of Venezia and its famous Carnevale. 

Year 2 and Year 5 Buddy Picnic

Year 2 had an ‘End of Term Picnic’ to celebrate their achievements together. The Year 5 buddy classes also joined them for a ‘meet and greet’!

As I reflect on the first ten weeks of school, I am heartened to see IPS School Values of Respect, Independence, Confidence, Resilience and Persistence being applied and promoted in every classroom as well as in the playground. 

School Values Project

Here are some of our Year 2s talking about school values and why their school is special.

Happy Holidays and stay safe.