e-Learning News 

1:1 Chromebooks

They are finally here! Our 1:1 Chromebooks have been distributed and are being used by students across Years 3 to 6. It has been wonderful to see students using their Chromebooks responsibly and bringing them to school each day fully charged and ready to go. Well done everyone!

Our information evening was a great success, I would like to thank all parents and students who were able to attend for coming and taking part. Sam and Trent from the Cyber Safety Project were very impressed with the high level of engagement when learning about cyber safety from both parent and student perspectives.

1:1 Chromebook Program Booklet

As we mentioned during our information session last week, the program booklet was emailed out to all parents. It details all the information that families need to know about how our Chromebooks will work both at school and at home. I highly recommend keeping it at hand if any issues arise. We have tried to include as many FAQ's as we could to help parents.


If you require a new copy of the booklet it can be found here: 

Cyber Safety Project: Discord

I refer you back to another blog post this week from the team at The Cyber Safety Project. They have written some great posts about a variety of games and software products that young people might be using at home. 


In 2020, whilst I was teaching in the Year 5/6 Learning Community and during our remote learning program, my students started talking to me about an application called Discord that they were using. I had no idea what it was so I had to do some research of my own to find out.

If any parents know their child is using Discord, I highly recommend giving the blog post a read to get on the front foot in terms of what it is and what it can be used for.

If you are a parent of a young connected citizen, you may have heard of Discord and are wondering what it is all about. Discord is an application/website in the long line of Social Networking platforms that has created a vast connected community of online users that blends video, voice and text chat features. Discord's main function is to provide a platform for gamers to communicate. It has now evolved into a general use platform for all sorts of communities, not just gamers, to connect and collaborate. Recent reports suggest the platformed has reached 250 million active users globally.


To read the blog post click the below button and scroll down until you find Discord.


Wil Marks

E-Learning Leader