Grade 1 Students 

Celebrating our outstanding Ones!

1A - Miss Tabb

We went on an excursion to Bundoora Park Heritage Village and got to visit an olden day school. We had to sit at desks with girls on one side of the room and boys on the other side. We also got to do some writing with ink pens. It was very different to our classroom!

Jacob T and Toby D
Jacob T and Toby D

We made some amazing canvas paintings in Art and then made a special card and wrapping paper for our mums or special person for Mother’s Day!!

Kyran G, Annabella B, Niamh J and Austin C
Kyran G, Annabella B, Niamh J and Austin C


1B - Miss Wong


In 1B, we are doing some amazing work in our strategy groups. Here we are practicing our magic words and finding adjectives in our Good Fit Books. 

Xanthe F, Zach S, Emma I, Flynn AB, Isla MS, Orlando E
Xanthe F, Zach S, Emma I, Flynn AB, Isla MS, Orlando E
Damian C, Emilia H, Marnie DC, Emma D, Ollie W, Tilda G
Damian C, Emilia H, Marnie DC, Emma D, Ollie W, Tilda G

1C - Mr K

For this Maths activity in Grade 1C students were asked to use a number of Addition strategies (think big add small, doubles and near doubles) when adding two numbers together. This game is called ‘Get out of My House’!

Kitt I & Bella M
Kitt I & Bella M
Charlie C H & Esti C
Charlie C H & Esti C