Grade 5/6 Students 

Celebrating our fantastic Fives and sensational Sixes!

5/6A - Miss Morrison

We have been learning about how to use figurative language in our writing to make it come to life! Here, we were finding similes, metaphors, idioms, personification, onomatopoeia and hyperboles in song lyrics! 


5/6B - Mr Jared

Amazing Artwork demonstrating her knowledge of angles and their properties

Sienna B
Sienna B

Amazing Area artwork showing his understanding of area, perimeter and the calculations you need to work them out

Oliver L
Oliver L

5/6C - Mr H

In 5/6C, we have explored the concepts of area and perimeter. Students created their own character, using a variety of regular and compound shapes. They then explored various strategies to calculate the area and perimeter. 










