
Senior School Summer Sports Presentation Evenings  

Parents and students are advised that the Senior School Summer Sports Presentation Evenings are scheduled to take place at the following venues and times:

Monday 29 March
Secondary Baseball Presentation Evening7.15pmRobson Auditorium
Secondary Cricket Presentation Evening7.15pmCollege Gym
Tuesday 30 March 
Secondary Swimming Presentation Evening 7.15pmRobson Auditorium
Secondary Basketball Presentation Evening7.15pmCollege Gym

There is a clear expectation that all students involved in these activities will be in attendance and dressed in their full College Summer Uniform. Members of the “Firsts” are to wear their Blazers.


Sadly, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the College is unable to accommodate all parents/carers. Given that, I would kindly ask you to note the following arrangements:


Baseball – ONE parent/carer per child in 14 Black, 14 Gold and U/16 teams. TWO parents per First IX player. No siblings unless they are students at the College.


Swimming - ONE parent/carer per child. TWO parents/carers per Year 12 student in the Swimming Squad. No siblings unless they are students at the College. 


Cricket - ONE parent/carer per student in teams from 13B to 2nd XI. TWO parents per First XI player. No siblings unless they are students at the College.


Basketball - ONE parent/carer per child in the 13D, 13C, 13B, 14C, 14B, 15D, 15C, 17D and 17C (Premiers and Runners-up) teams. TWO parents per First V player. No siblings unless they are students at the College. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any further parents/carers. 


The College requests that no cars park in Hydebrae Street (which runs at ninety degrees from Francis Street and the Senior Library) at any time.  Its narrowness makes resident parking difficult and non-resident parking can present a safety risk by preventing the access of emergency vehicles. The College tennis courts will be available for some on-site parking on a 'first come, first serve' basis.  Entrance to the tennis courts is from the driveway in Fraser Street. Motorists are asked to park their vehicle next to another vehicle in a close fashion so that we can make available the greatest possible number of parking spaces.


Please do not park in Francis Street on the Tuesday night as this will be an ideal area for parents to pick up their sons who are involved in Basketball.


Steve Fochesato

Director of Co-curricular