Faith, Justice and Formation 

Year 11 Retreat

Last Friday, Year 11 headed to Mulgoa for their Retreat Day. The program allowed the students the opportunity to think about and reflect on their various relationships, focusing on what type of young man they are becoming.


It was a valuable day to enhance the boys’ spiritual development and masculinity, as well as get the cohort together to share in the experience. The day provided many thought-provoking discussions and questions that will hopefully continue to be pondered over coming weeks and months. 


Gillian Daley - Director of Identity and Justin Newman - Year 11 Coordinator


Switch for Nature: Earth Hour 2021

2021 is the year everything changes, which is why this Earth Hour is the most important one for our planet. Will you sign up to make the #SwitchforNature?


Earth Hour is a worldwide event organised by World Wide Fund for Nature with the aim to turn off all the lights around the globe for an hour to help support our environment and raise awareness for its deteriorating condition. Earth Hour first began back in 2007 and 14 years later, it is now a worldwide movement with homes, businesses and cities all turning off their lights for the hour across 18 countries. 


This year, the theme for Earth Hour is #switchfornature. Participating can be as simple as switching your plastic straw or something like switching the lights in your home to something more environmentally friendly. There are many ways in which we can take our part in helping our world and supporting our natural environment. 


This Friday, our College community will participate in Earth Hour by shutting off our lights and electrical appliances from 1.45pm – 2.45pm.


We urge families of the College to turn off their lights, televisions and computers for just a mere hour from 8.30pm - 9.30pm on Saturday 27 March. Light a few candles, take an evening walk or sit and chat with family and friends without any distractions. We can come together as a community and face the overwhelming issue of climate change. 


Register your home at or just turn off the lights and help the movement this year! 

Daniel De Pasquale

Faith in Action Team