Dear Year 3 and Year 5 students.
A letter just for you.
Dear Year 3 and Year 5 students.
A letter just for you.
To our valued students in Year 3 and Year 5.
During Week 4 of this term, you will sit your NAPLAN tests.
Before you take these tests there is something very important for you to know. This test does not assess all of what makes each of you exceptional and unique. The mark you get from these tests will tell you how you did on that day, but they won't tell you everything.
NAPLAN can't tell you that you have persisted and improved on something you used to find difficult.
NAPLAN can't tell you that you brighten up your teacher’s day but we know you do.
NAPLAN can't tell you how amazingly special you are but we know you are.
The people who mark these tests don't know that you may love to sing, that you may love to draw, that you help your friends when they need you.
They don't know that some of you can dance, speak another language, play music, are good at chess or can speak confidently in front of your class or at assembly.
They do not know that you participate in sports or that you help your mum or dad or that you play with your little brother, sister or cousins.
They do not know that you are caring, thoughtful and that every day you come to school to do your best, because these attributes cannot be tested.
So when you come to school ready to do your best at NAPLAN remember, “There is no one way to test all of the wonderful things that make you, YOU!”
Know that we are very proud of you!
Thank you,
Your teachers at Ivanhoe Primary School.