Child Safe 

Child Safety is everyones responsibility.

Victoria's child safe standards

In 2015, the Victorian Government introduced the child safe standards as a mandatory requirement for Victorian organisations that provide services or facilities to children. 


The child safe standards apply to more than 50,000 organisations, such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, churches, sporting, recreation and youth clubs.


There are seven child safe standards, as shown in Figure 1A. 


They aim to encourage child safe cultures, impose minimum requirements for organisations to prevent child abuse, and highlight the shared responsibility among an organisation's decision-makers for keeping children safe. 


They aim to ensure that organisations promote child safety, prevent child abuse, and properly respond to allegations of child abuse.

Organisations must also apply three principles when addressing the seven standards, as shown in Figure 1B. These principles recognise that while all children are vulnerable, some groups of children face additional risks.