2021 Digital Learning Technologies 

This is a request for a voluntary payment of a $119 Digital Technology Co-contribution per student. 

Thank you

Ivanhoe Primary School has made a significant investment in technology and significantly increased the ratio of devices to students. We have banks of laptops at various year levels. Some of which have technically reached end of life and now need to be replaced.


We continue to improve and renew our fleet of devices having recently purchased 54 8th gen iPads and software solution "Purple Mash".  We have purchased new laptop trolleys and leased new laptops as well as equiping classroom smartboards in the Beehive with dedicated small form factor harddrives. This frees up the treachers laptops for planning and assessment.


Please remember that this is a request for a voluntary payment of a $119 Digital Technology Co-contribution per student and not one that is compulsory. We understand that times are tough and that families contribute in many ways to our wonderful school. Thank you for your support.

A year saved by Digital Learning Technologies!

That's what many people are saying.


However, if COVID-19 and lock downs and remote school had occurred a few years ago. We may have struggled to meet the community need for devices, technical support and the required skills to lead online learning.



Our eight new classrooms have been fitted with overhead projectors and interactive smartboards and we have purchased two more mobile interactive  units that are being used for teacher planning, student support and the tutor program.


DLT furniture that encourages student collaboration and group work are also areas for exploration but cost significantly more money than we are funded for.


Our school has a reputation for delivering great results for many reasons and being able to resource our programs, delivered by expert teachers and staff is but one of those. Through attrition and wear and tear some resources just wear out and require replacing.


Skilling up staff and providing technical support is also a big part of the work.


The Digital Learning Technology (DLT) program at Ivanhoe Primary School has been an exciting initiative across both the teaching and student populations and is fast becoming part of the core curriculum. 


Our DLT Vision:


"Digital Learning at IPS will be irresistibly engaging for students and teachers across all learning areas and domains.  Our students will become innovative and confident users of digital technologies, using technology to communicate, collaborate, curate and create, while fostering higher order thinking skills and real life problem solving."


Several years ago we introduced the Digital Learning Technology Co-contribution so that we could build some strong foundations for the achievement of enhanced learning outcomes across the curriculum. I believe 2020 tested this goal and we came through because of the support of the community, the enthusiasm of the students and the commitment of staff.  Also the value we all placed on keeping the learning happening.


In 2021 we will be continuing to invest in the tools and knowledge required for teachers and students across all year levels.  Our primary focus for this year is:

  1. Further increasing student access to technology tools and resources; such as 3D Printers, web conferencing devices, coding and robotics including spheros, Be Bots, Lego and more.
  2. Increase student access to Innovative furniture for collaboration and project work.
  3. Subsidise science and technology related incursions.
  4. Increase access to regular technical support.
  5. Support and teach staff to increase their skills and capacity to use technology in the classroom with your children.

Since we began the DLT initiative, feedback from parents of students entering Year 7 is that IPS students are beginning  secondary school with the right technological skills, aptitude and attitude to learn. Six years ago technologically speaking IPS was in the lowest quartile compared to the other government schools and now we are somewhere near the top. 


This is thanks to the dedication of our staff, the enthusiasm of our students and your support through the co-contribution.


As many will relate to – it is one thing to master new technology yourself, it’s another thing all together to teach it!  We are absolutely committed to providing the tools and building the capacity of our teachers and your children so they can make our DLT vision a reality.


This is a request for a voluntary payment of a $119 Digital Technology Co-contribution per student. 


Your contribution will play a vital role in helping all students become innovative and confident users of digital technologies. Who knows what they will achieve.


I am confident that every purchase will make a significant difference to  student outcomes. Every dollar is an investment in your child's future. I look forward to keeping you up to date with further additional resources.


Mark Kent


Where will families find the request for payment?


Families will find details under “My News” on their Compass Home Page (In a Web browser the NOT IN THE APP). Look for a Course Confirmation/School Payments heading.


Please call the School Office on 9499 1880 if you have any queries on how to make payment, or  how to pay by instalment.


Pay Now / Click here