Ethics Olympiad

On Tuesday 27 April, Year 11 and 12 students took part in an online Ethics Olympiad training day with various schools from NSW, Victoria and South Australia. It was a day full of philosophical and ethical discussions with experts from all across the world. Some of the incredible speakers included Dr Matthew Deaton, author and academic from the University of Texas, Dr Rachel Robinson-Greene from Utah State University, Dr Matthew Beard from The Ethics Centre, as well as Archie and Theo Stapleton from the University of British Columbia, and Oxford University, respectively. 

Many complex ideas and theories were discussed, including consequentialism, deontology, Kantianism, care ethics, virtue ethics and utilitarianism. Students considered how to structure arguments and take notes effectively, and attended break-out lectures about judges’ protocol. The theoretical lectures across the morning were key to the group’s understanding of the competition format and approach, and in the afternoon, the students worked more independently and in small teams to put their new knowledge into action in relation to a series of case studies.

Students relished the opportunity to talk with judges from previous years in small groups as they facilitated discussion and helped guide students to make clear and concise arguments. The day concluded with questions and answers. Overall, the students felt that it was an amazing opportunity to hear from experienced philosophers, ethicists and academics from all over the globe and to gain valuable information that will help their team at the upcoming Ethics Olympiad.


Jasmine Fattah, Year 12 (School Captain)