Primary School News
The Jumpy Castle was a big hit with our Primary Students on St Dominic's Day
Primary School News
The Jumpy Castle was a big hit with our Primary Students on St Dominic's Day
This week is Science Week and classes are doing many interesting things in this space. Experiments and other science-related activities have been organised in all classes. Unfortunately our Star Gazing Evening had to be postponed due to overcast conditions and poor visibility. It will be rescheduled later in the term to a date to be confirmed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Please note that our “No Hat No Play Policy” is in effect so we ask the boys (and girls from the ELC) to bring their hats for play times. As a SunSmart School we wear our hats when the UV is three and above.
Just a reminder too of the importance of following traffic and school parking signs and protocols. For the safety of the children please be vigilant and do not park (and/or leave your car) in the Kiss and Drop areas.
Book Week commences next week and there are many exciting things happening in the school for that time culminating in the ever-popular Book Week Parade at 9:00 am on Friday 24 August starting in the Gym. Everyone is most welcome to attend this.
Dates to Remember
August 17 – Book Week commences (Find Your Treasure!)
August 24 – Book Week Assembly and Parade (9:00 am)
August 29 – Fathers’ Day Stall
August 30 – Annual Music Concert (details to follow)
August 31 – Staff Retreat Day (School Closure - OSHC available)
September 2 – Fathers’ Day
September 5 – Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations(1:00pm finish - OSHC available)
Mr Frank Ali