From the Principal - Mr Simon Cobiac

Dyson Hilder and Sebastian Deluca launch the BPS Universals at the St Dominic's Day celebrations

Dear Families and Community of Blackfriars Priory School,

St Dominic’s Day

St Dominic’s Day was celebrated on Wednesday, 8 August and I want to impress upon our community how important this anniversary is to our School.  Coming together as a whole school with our Dominican brothers and sisters from Cabra Dominican College, St Mary’s College and St Dominic’s Priory College significantly grows and strengthens our Dominican Tradition and ethos. The celebration of Eucharist enabled us to deepen our understanding of the Four Pillars of the Dominican tradition, Prayer, Study, Community and Service that provide a compass for our life direction.   


The Prefects, led by Head Prefect, Sebastian Deluca and Deputy Head Prefect, Dyson Hilder presented the newly created BPS Universals video that enhances and brings to life our values as a school community forming the foundation of “who we are and how we act with respect to students, staff and the community”. Respect, Positive and Safe Relationships and Self-Discipline form the BPS Universals; three touchstones for personal reflection and growth in our daily life at Blackfriars. I would hope that such a significant day allows each student, staff member and guest to reflect on our purpose and value as a member of the Blackfriars community and empowers each of us to seek truth in all things.


Our guest speaker for St Dominic’s Day was Mr Dharmesh Raman, Head Prefect of 1992 and Managing Director of Peter Shearer’s Menswear. Mr Raman spoke with great passion and conviction about the importance of a Blackfriars education on his life and destiny. To quote,


“I can summarise what Blackfriars taught me in four words,

fortune, friendship, fundamentals and faith.”


“The word fortune has two meanings – one is a large amount of money and assets, the other is chance or luck as a force that affects human affairs. Fortune for me falls into the second category. I am fortunate that my parents worked incredibly hard to send me here. I am fortunate that I met my lifelong friends here. I am fortunate that this school gave me a thirst for knowledge. I am fortunate that this thirst has brought me to a place where I now fully understand that it’s the fundamentals in life that bring me the most joy and finally I am fortunate that Blackfriars provided me with the foundations to build everything on – my faith in God. All of which I wouldn’t trade in for any amount of money or assets!!!”


NB:  Mr Raman's complete speech is found at the following link: St Dominic's Day Address

and audio here:


In conclusion, my sincere thanks to Mr Raman for his words of wisdom and encouragement to our community. My deep appreciation to Fr Kevin Saunders OP for leading us in celebrating the Eucharist and to Mr Matthew Crisanti (APRIM), Miss Jessica Reppucci (Curriculum Leader: Performing Arts), Heads of House for their leadership and to all staff and students for participating so enthusiastically in each activity throughout the day. 


Student Behaviour

Congratulations to the students who travel on the G10 bus into the city each day for their behaviour. During the week I received the following feedback from a member of the public regarding our boys:


"Once a week I catch the G10 bus at stop 12, then head into the city, invariably at the time school lets out. I have to admit, the group of boys who get on the bus at 3.15pmish are a delight.

I spoke with a House Captain and told him the Blackfriars students are my favourite to be on the bus with.

There is a gentle good humour. Consideration. Smiles. Eye contact with other passengers and boys. They are not loud, rowdy. There is no swearing. They all swipe their bus pass - they say thanks to the driver.

So, as someone on crutches, who is slow to move, but happy to share a seat, please know your students are a delight on the bus, and a pleasure to spend time with."


Fr Kevin Saunders

I warmly welcome Fr Kevin Saunders OP to our Blackfriars community.  Fr Kevin is our designated School Chaplain for the remainder of 2018 and we look forward to the opportunity of getting to know him and developing a close relationship with him.  Fr Kevin will be available at the School on a part-time basis as he has many other duties that he must also attend to. Fr Kevin is available on email: or you can make an appointment by contacting the Front Office in St Catharine’s House.


Intercol Week

The excitement of Intercol Week is fast approaching (Week 5).  The historic competition between Blackfriars and CBC is a hugely anticipated event in the school calendar each year.  While I encourage students to be competitive, it is so much more important that we are fair and respectful.  As students become swept up with the challenge of being ‘the best’, I ask that you please remind them of the virtues of being ‘good sportsmen’ and faithful to our Pillar of Community through being “humble in victory and gracious in defeat and in all things be fair”.


Mr Parrella (Secondary Co-Curricular Coordinator) has circulated on SEQTA a schedule of events for the week and the expectations of our School for participants and spectators (a copy of this can be found in his article this week). Parents are invited to attend the various sports and cultural activities throughout the week and weekend to support your sons and Blackfriars teams in a manner that supports friendship and creates proud memories for all students. I hope to catch up with parents at the different events.



We wish our students participating in the Australian Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association SA Festival between 22 – 24 August much success.  The Blackfriars bands and ensembles have competed admirably over the years with success that has definitively surpassed the expectations of many.  Music is a key focus for many Blackfriars students; the opportunity music provides to develop and empower a student’s creative, artistic and emotional expression is evident through participating in events such as the ABODA Festival.


Mr Simon Cobiac



“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.”     St Dominic