Blackfriars Annual Appeal
Supporting Blackfriars in 2019
The Blackfriars Annual Appeal is focused on engaging all members of our community in philanthropy, developing a culture of support based on the Dominican Pillars of Community and Service.
Each year, every member of the wider school community is given the opportunity to assist the work of Blackfriars through a monetary gift in support of a school-identified priority project or program. Gifts made to the Annual Appeal consist of more modest dollar amounts than those sought when raising funds for major capital projects such as new buildings.
The success of the Blackfriars Annual Appeal is therefore measured by the total number of donors as much as it is by the amount raised - it is about that we give rather than what we give.
Last year, gifts to the Blackfriars Annual Appeal were targeted towards improvements to the Neill Gymnasium that included installation of a new scoreboard, floor refurbishment and updated Blackfriars spirit signage. Contributors to that appeal are acknowledged in the latest issue of The OPtimist.
In 2019, our Annual Appeal is supporting both a minor capital improvement through the Blackfriars Foundation Capital Fund and our academic program through gifts to our Scholarships program.
Tax deductible contributions to the Blackfriars Foundation Capital Fund in 2019 will go towards the installation of a new large format screen in Frassati Hall, while gifts to the Scholarship Fund will assist talented students to access the new Blackfriars Ax Academy program.
Donations to the 2019 Blackfriars Annual Appeal can be made online at our secure appeal website where you will also find more detailed information about the two projects.
Donations made via the website will be deposited directly into the relevant Blackfriars appeal bank accounts and an electronic receipt issued immediately.
All donors will be acknowledged on the appeal website with your gift amount hidden from view. You can also choose to donate anonymously.
If you prefer to make a gift by cash, cheque or in person, you are most welcome to do so by contacting the Development Office on 8169 3900 to make arrangements.
If you have any questions about this appeal or the fundraising activities of the Blackfriars Development Office, including how to leave a legacy gift to Blackfriars in your will, please don't hesitate to contact me at or on 8169 3966.
I look forward to your support of the 2019 Blackfriars Annual Appeal.
Patrick Kelly (BPS'90)
Director of Development & Community Relations