Middle School News

Year 9 City Experience
Year 9s have been busy this term with their City Experience. We had a huge number of students navigating their way around the CBD while visiting places such as the State Library, Old Melbourne Gaol, Hardrock Rock Climbing, The Big Issue, Queen Vic Market, Eureka Skydeck and Syn FM Community radio. Students worked together to make their way around the city and involved themselves in all activities with great enthusiasm.
Morrisby profiling
The College conducted Morrisby profiling for all Year 9 students in early September. Students will receive their own individualised profile giving recommendations for potential VCE subjects and possible career pathways. Students will have a 'one on one' career counselling session with an external facilitator at school in Term 4. Dates and times will be confirmed with individual students. Parents will be invited to attend these sessions.
Exam preparation
With spring finally here we are getting towards the end of subject courses in the next two months. Over the holidays students should spend some time consolidating the work they have learned this far in Semester 2 as they prepare themselves for their exams in November. Ongoing study is the best preparation students can do before the lead up to the revision phase of their studies.
Health & PE
The Year 9 Fitness and First Aid elective class attended an excursion to Runnez as they experimented with interval and fartlek training. They completed a 45 minutes treadmill session as part of a bigger training program unit. The students performed very well in their session, covering many kilometres in that time.
Year 10 Outdoor Ed
The Year 10 Outdoor Education class participated in a beach clean-up at Mentone foreshore as they try to tackle our war on waste. They have been looking at ways our school community can support our planet with ideas such as composting, bringing nude food to school, recycling soft plastics and not supporting fast fashion.