Student Leadership

SRC Report
As term 3 comes to an end, I’d like to sum up the achievements of the SRC this term.
The Year 10 Social is often the highlight of the year for the Year 10s. It was a fantastic evening, seeing all the students dance the night away and it was great to see everyone all glammed up.
We had our annual footy free dress day last Friday, 6 September. It was lovely to see everyone supporting their favourite teams, especially those who were heading into the finals on the weekend. I would like to thank everyone who donated a gold coin because we raised a grand total of $1006. This is an amazing effort to see from students and teachers. The SRC would like to see this continue.
The SRC’s final free dress day for 2019 will be held on Thursday 10 October. There will be no theme. Students can wear casual clothes or choose a special theme. The gold coin donation will go to 'Doing it in a Dress' which aims to raise awareness and funds for girls' education and the Salvation Army Christmas appeal.
Thank you,
Libby McQuiston and the SRC Commiteee
2020 role nominations close Friday 20 September
Nomination forms are due by Friday September 20 (last day of term).
Wendy Harvey
Director of Girls' Leadership