Book Week and Library News

Book week wrap
During week 6 this term Mentone Girls' Secondary College celebrated Book Week. There was an array of activities for the students to take part in to celebrate literature, reading and writing.
On the Monday and Tuesday ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher'' Stone’ was screened during lunch-time. There was a great turn out and many girls came to watch. On the Thursday we celebrated ‘Book character’ day, where there was a parade during lunchtime where the girls could dress up as their favourite book character. There were so many creative costumes and lots of girls got on board to have have some bookish fun. Throughout the week there was a creative writing competition that commenced on the Monday and ended at the end of lunch on Friday.
There were lots of amazing entries that reflected the creative talents of the students but the winner of the competition was Flick Paradisis in Year 10.
Charlotte Gallagher (Year 12)
Senior English Domain Leader
Games and puzzles in the Library
The library has a games table equipped with a selection of board games and puzzles - old and new. Students are welcome to pull-up a stool and enjoy a game of chess, interesting variations on the Rubik cube or have a go at a colourful jigsaw puzzle. See you in the library soon.