Being Well at Magill

Harmony Day

Harmony Day has been celebrated in Australia since 1999, in response to a study of racism, commissioned by the then Howard government. The study highlighted a need for people to live in greater harmony and to respect each other and this countries multicultural background.


In more recent years Australians have looked further back in history to acknowledge 65,000 years of harmonious living by our first nation’s people which changed forever in 1788. More recently there has been discussion to consider aligning with the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racism.


At Magill School, with over 62 nationalities represented amongst our student community, we actively teach the importance of having Respectful Relationships based on mutual respect, trust, good communication, understanding and honesty. We teach our students that relationships should be a positive experience for all concerned.


This week, Magill School has actively focused on kindness, respect and living together harmoniously. We celebrated Harmony Day on Tuesday, proud of our multi-cultural community. It was lovely to see children celebrating their culture, wearing traditional clothing or choosing to wear something orange. Enjoy this pictorial summary of our week!


Share family favourites with our school community!



Enjoy the weekend


Erica Teumohenga

Wellbeing Leader




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