Principal Report

Belmore School Council

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the 2023 Belmore School Council.  I take delight in welcoming back on to Council parent member Bron Brown, mother of Erica in SLC6 and warmly welcome new parent member Chris Puckey, step-father of Grace in SLC5 and new staff member Emma Borland.  All newly elected members will serve two years on School Council with existing members having one more year to serve in their term.


The 2023 Belmore School Council consists of the following members:

Parent Members:

Brenton Carey

Michael Duffy

Paul Han

Bron Brown

Chris Puckey

DET Members:

Melissa White

Emma Borland

Executive Officer:

Karen Overall

Minutes Secretary:

Julie Nicholson


The AGM will be held on Monday 20th March at 7.00pm followed by the first School Council meeting at 7.30pm where new office bearers – President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary will be elected.  


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our School Councillors for the time and expertise they volunteer to provide the governance of Belmore School.

Learning Centre Preview

Our Belmore School Council is proudly hosting a social gathering for parents, carers and staff on WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH between 7.00pm and 8.30pm to enable our school community to view the new Learning Centre and experience a taste of what our renovated school will provide for all our students throughout the year.  An invitation will be sent home today.

Easter Raffle

Thanks once again to the generosity of Emma Duffy's grandmother Marita, we are currently running an Easter raffle with four amazing baskets overflowing with Easter eggs.


We encourage you to sell the tickets being sent home today to have the opportunity to be in the draw. The raffle will be drawn on Monday 3 April, so all ticket sales need to be returned to school by Wednesday 29 March.


Please contact Carole in reception or write a note in your child's diary if you would like additional tickets to sell.

Moomba Birdman Rally

Congratulations to our very own birdman Weber the Wegie on his heroic effort to come second in the Moomba Birdman Rally on Sunday.  No doubt countless hours of time and energy were dedicated by Michael and his crew the Wrong Brothers along with the support of Little Wedgie Tom to support Weber the Wedgie to fly across the Yarra River.


We are incredibly grateful to Michael for nominating Belmore School as his chosen charity alongside the Sturge-Weber Foundation.  With donations still coming in Weber the Wedgie has raised the incredible total of $23,692.  

Term 1 SSG Meetings

Many thanks to all parents and carers who are currently meeting with our teachers and therapists to finalise our student's IEP goals.  We are now extremely fortunate to have two options for meeting together:  onsite at Belmore in person, or online through the Webex platform.  If you weren't able to make a booking, please contact your child's teacher to arrange a meeting as it is in the best interests of our students that our team around the learner meet together at the beginning of the school year.

Karen Overall
