Student News

Messages from School Captains and Vice Captains


Hi my name is Addi I’m eleven years old. I have a twin sister, my background is Irish . I love sports I play footy and netball out of school,my favourite subject at school is writing and P.E and i have a pet Jack Russell his name is Dallas.   This years in 2023 I am one of the School Captain’s .  This year I really looking forward to facing new challenges and representing our school.   


Hello Everyone! My name is Hamish and I am 11 years old I have a 15 year old sister and a gorgeous dog named Cooper.  My leadership position in 2023 is School Captain.  I’m looking forward to represent St. Agatha’s At events such as District Athletics and ANZAC Day.


My hobbies include of playing Football and Cricket, Watching MLB and supporting the New York Yankees. My favourite subject is Mathematics and Sport. An interesting fact about me is that L💛VE History and Especially the hit play Hamilton.  




I am Ryan  and I am 11, I am a only child with my parents. In 2023 I am a Vice School Captian.  I love prehistoric animals, reading and writing information reports, gaming , I love maths and sometimes writing also performing arts as my school subjects. I want to be a paleontoligist, I love science.  I am looking forward to represent the school and doing speeches in assembleys.


Hi my name is Alex I’m 11 I have 3 sisters I also have a a Mum and Dad and a Dog . My leadership position for 2023 is a vice captain.  This year I’m looking forward to all the school sports like inter school sports  My hobbies are netball ,footy and singing. My favourite subjects is P.E , Art and well-being . A interesting Facts about me is that I’m Irish and Italian.