RE & Wellbeing News

Messages from Mr Andrew Butler - REL & Wellbeing 

Harmony Week


On Tuesday 21st March we celebrated Harmony Day. It was wonderful to see the students and staff all dressed up in national and cultural clothing or a splash of orange; the official Harmony Day colour.


We started our day with a whole school prayer time in the hall led by Year 6 Mini Vinnies. We spoke about the messages of Jesus.What would Jesus say about Harmony Day? The students answered by saying that Jesus would talk about respecting everyone no matter who they are and where they come from and that everyone should be able to belong. This brought the Golden Rule to mind; love one another as I have loved you.


After our prayer time we pumped up the cultural music and each class had an opportunity to parade in the hall. It was a joy to see everyone smiling and parading along the carpet, staff included! The opportunity to share some cultural food was also a highlight for everyone. Thank you everyone for supporting Harmony Day and raising awareness of understanding and embracing diversity!





Here is an article titled My Child is a Bully Michael Grosse from Insights.