Principal News


Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,


Rage against Death
This Gospel tells us that Our Lord was moved with compassion in an almost violent way, raging against the seeming finality of death. The raising of Lazarus was a demonstration of his power to rob death of its supposed supremacy.
But, Our Lord did not set Lazarus completely free! You may think that to be raised from the dead was not a bad start, but Lazarus was still shuffling: bound, constrained, constricted by the past. To those gathered around the tomb Jesus issued the command: ‘Set him free, unbind him.’ It was the collective effort of others which enabled Lazarus to walk as a liberated son of God.
You may find yourself commanded by the Lord to help unbind a person who has had a deadening experience which has drained them of life. We get the courage to respond because it is the command of the One who definitively conquered death.
We could pause for a moment to resolve to help liberate others already helped by the grace of Him whom we believe to be the Resurrection and the Life.
© Fr Michael Tate;


This week we celebrated Harmony Day. It was a time to celebrate one another's cultures and learn to understand that through our differences we are all part of God's human family. Jesus did not discriminate in his ministries, he was inclusive of all people and especially of those considered outcast by the community. 


At St Agatha's, we strive to lead lives that are free from discrimination and hate. This is a challenging message and I urge everyone to take a moment to be open to the sacred dignity of others. This means trying to see the world from another person's perspective.


Here are some photos of our students enjoying the day. A big thank you to all the staff and especially to Mr Butler who organised the day!


This week we also were blessed to have many new families come to tour our school as they make a big decision over where to send their child for Foundation 2024. Our School Captains and House Leaders did a fantastic job showing off our school. I was so proud of the way they demonstrated excellent leadership skills! Well done Hamish, Alex, Luke, Maija, Marlon, Scarlett, Addi and Ryan.


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Michelle Bruitzman