Parents & Friends

Hello OLA,
It's been business as usual this fortnight in the P&F, we have our second meeting planned for Monday. Details are below, all are welcome.
Easter Raffle
We are calling for donations and volunteers to support the OLA Easter Raffle very soon, keep an eye on Operoo. There are some great prizes to be won this year.
Thank you in advance for helping to make our Easter Raffle a great success - Kyanh Williamson & Libby Fedrick
Prep Dinner
Prep Parents had our first social catch up for the year. It was great for all to start to mingle and get to know one another as we start the schooling journey together.
So nice to hear about lots of settled and happy preps.
Looking forward to more times together over our many years at OLA. - Laura Morel
Uniform Shop
Just want to let you know that each week, one of our second hand uniform shop team member will come to the school to process incoming donations and filling in requests. If you need any second hand uniforms in between our sales please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email - Dian Kett
Plus the uniform shop will be open during the upcoming working bee, details below
Next P&F Team Meeting
Monday March 20, 7:30pm. Gather in the Community Hub, Meeting to be held in the STEM room.
Chair | Andy Wright (Ollie 4) | 0422845855 | |
Deputy Chair | Stacey Straford (Hudson 6 & Olive 3) | 0404898779 | |
Secretary | Lauren Koukoumanos (Isabella 5 & Sophia 2) | 0403213095 | |
Treasurer | Rosie An (Ellie 1 & James 4) | 0422037308 | |
Prep | Laura Morel (Harry P, Sophie 2 & Oliver 4) Sally O'Keeffe (Piper P, Phoenix 3 & Indie 5) Paulette Stutterd (Ariel P) Anthea Plousi (Kalliopi P) | 0430178530
0411710707 |
Grade 1 | Marie De Marco (Alexander 1 & Eva 1) Eli Dunlevie (Zac 1) Ben Gray (Xander 1) | 0403086792
0411757883 0459334189 | |
Grade 2 | Dominique Monotti (Domingo 2 & Brigitte 3) Volunteers welcome | 0402065056 | |
Grade 3 | Olivia Moran (Isabelle 5 & Michael 3) Alysha Crawford (Niamh 5, Joe 5 & Charlotte 3) | 0420490713
0404283615 |
Grade 4 | Melissa Moore (Christian 4 & Xavier 4) Elizabeth Semmel (Dolores 4) | 0404079781
0410665252 | |
Grade 5 | Kara Bogicevic (Henry 5) Lauren Koukoumanos (Isabella 5 & Sophia 2) Volunteers welcome | 0409353957
0403213095 | |
Grade 6 | Kyahn Williamson (Giselle 6 & Cruz 4) Libby Fedrick (Maggie 6) | 0401018828
0421004044 |
Second Hand Uniform Shore | Rachael Martin (Sam 6) Dian Kett (William 6) Elena Ricciuti (Vincent 6 & Christian 2) | 0417802018
0401088122 0425257566 |
Scholastic Book Club | Rachael Davidson (Zachary 2) | 0466747891 | |