Media & Marketing

FN mentions in the media, the latest marketing tools and ShopFN branded giftware

ABC NEWS: How to improve your rental application during worst housing crisis in 'generations'


FN Surfers Paradise principal, Rob Rollington, did a sterling job of talking to ABC Radio when the network’s media release landed on the editor’s desk at ABC Gold Coast


With the ABC seeking comment from a local agent, Rob used the network’s talking points and his local expertise to explain how to secure a rental property during a supply crisis. More…

STARTS@60: Key considerations for comfortable and affordable retirement living


Seniors’ publication, Starts@60, asked First National Real Estate for advice about how to find affordable housing that meets the needs of retirees. So, the network outlined options for renting, affordability services, downsizing as well as mobile and manufactured homes. More…

The Real Estate Conversation: REIA 2023 NAFE winners announced


The Real Estate Conversation shared news of the REIA’s 2023 National Awards for Excellence winners. More…

Yorke Peninsula Country Times: FN Copper Coast Sweeps Network Awards


FN Copper Coast (Wallaroo & Moonta, SA) principal, Megan Hill, achieved valuable editorial when she used the network’s template media release to promote her team’s GEM Awards. 


Megan’s team claimed The Elite Property Management Office and Sales Office awards at our recent SA/NT awards. 

Courier Mail: Wide Bay’s listings surpass most other regions


FN Bundaberg (Qld) principal, Justin Mayberry, was included in a Courier Mail editorial concerning how demand created by migration and record low vacancies are driving new property listings across Wide Bay and Burnett. More…

New Website for Margaret River 


FN Margaret River (WA) has just launched its brand-new Zenu website, using the latest template. 


Take a look because it’s a good example of our Performance Partner, Zenu, deploying the leading Search Engine Optimisation techniques. 


You’ll notice plenty of room for introductory copywriting that features local keywords, a simple search bar ‘above the fold’ that makes it simple for customers to start their search, and featured listings on the home page that send the right signals to Google.


Click the image to view.