What's Happening this Week at SPS



Year 1

Year 2



Term 1 Weeks 9 and 10


LITERACY: When reading we are focusing on segmenting and blending as well as literal comprehension. We will be focusing on learning to pace ourselves when we are reading as well as learning to answer questions about something we have read or heard. Our writing sessions will see us continue to grow in our ability to construct a recount about something we have seen, read about or have done. We are learning to add detail in our writing to create a picture in the reader’s mind.

MATH: Our focus is on place value and learning to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We are also learning to create a data display from data we have collected.

INQUIRY: We are exploring history this term and in particular the history of Somerville and particular landmarks in Somerville both past and present. We will be attending our first excursion for the year to Willum Warrain on Monday 27th March.

WELLBEING: Our focus is on stress management and how we can best manage our own stress and the strategies that work for us individually.


HOMEWORK: Homework expectations are that students are completing home reading (at least every school night) and filling out their reading diary. Don’t forget each student is aiming to get 200 nights of reading across the year to get a ticket to the Pizza Party!

Our Mascots


By now you may have heard whispers of our class mascots that are going to be visiting the homes of the children in Grade 2! Bessy is going home with the children in 2MD and Bob is going home with the children in 2W.

They will come home on a Wednesday and are expected to be returned on the following Monday. We have loved seeing what the mascots have been up to with the children so far and have seen some amazing handwriting from the children that they have then read and shared with their classes.


  • Icy poles will be sold every Friday for 50c in Term 1.
  • Year 2 sport will be held on a Tuesday afternoon this Term.
  • Willum Warrain Excursion – Monday 27th March.


CONTACT: Please feel free to get in contact with your child’s classroom teacher/s via their emails below.

Kate McEvoy – Monday – Wednesday - kate.mcevoy@education.vic.gov.au

Mel Dowdle – Thursday & Friday - melissa.dowdle@education.vic.gov.au

Bec Whittingham – rebecca.whittingham@education.vic.gov.au

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5/6