
Healthy Sleep in Children



Sleep is essential for growth, immunity, learning and memory and is important for helping a child heal and recover. Healthy sleep means a good quantity and quality of sleep, with regular sleep routines.




What happens if my child doesn’t get enough sleep?

A child who does not get enough healthy sleep may experience difficulties with concentration, memory, regulating their emotions, organising tasks and creative thinking. These children may be easily distracted, irritable, disruptive or generally hyperactive and restless. A lack of healthy sleep has been linked to mental health problems, poor growth, excessive weight gain, and reduced school performance.


Try these habits that might help your child sleep better:

  • Keep regular sleep and wake times, even on the weekend.
  • Turn computers, tablets and TV off an hour before bedtime.
  • Have a quiet and dimly lit place to sleep.
  • Get plenty of natural light during the day, especially in the morning.
  • Avoid caffeine in tea, coffee, sports drinks and chocolate, especially in the late afternoon and evening.


Every year OLSC support the local RSL by selling ANZAC Day badges.  All money raised by the RSL is used to support returned soldiers and their families.

Badges will be sold next week...there is no set price just a donation. Let's see if we can sell all the badges this year & make a                                                                                                             difference for our local RSL.

Student Leaders News

Colouring Competition

All students are invited to be part of our Easter Colouring Competition. Colouring sheets are available from the Learning Centre Leaders. We have extended the deadline for entries. Entries now close on Monday April 3rd and the winner from each learning centre will be announced at our assembly on April 6th.

SRC Goals

Our SRC have been working on their goals as leaders for 2023. They have done a great job.

Student Leaders Conference

Our Student Leaders  attended a Leadership Conference at ‘Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre’ on Monday. The purpose of the Conference was to  nurture & develop leadership skills; the message being that ‘leadership is about making an individual contribution and together shining brightly.’ 


The day involved a mixture of presentations, games, activities and sharing of ideas between schools. High profile Australians, such as Robert Dipierdomenico & Nazeem Hussain shared insights about their own journey. 


We hope participation in this day will see the students inspired and empowered to exercise leadership in all aspects of their own lives. 



I would like to publicly thank all of our student leaders.  John, Kristina, Chelsea & I had a fantastic day with this group of awesome leaders. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with them last Monday.  They represented our school with pride and were a credit to themselves and their families.



Feel free to email me at: shenderson@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au or call the school office if you have any concerns or need help at any time.


