Learning and Teaching


A big congratulations to our Year 3 and Year 5 students who have completed NAPLAN 2023. NAPLAN will be held in March of each year from now on, in the hope that the NAPLAN student reports that come to both schools and parents will be sent out earlier too.


Health Unit for 5/6s

As the Prep to year 4 students finish off their health units, the 5/6 students will be continuing their health unit into the early stages of term 2. As part of the health curriculum, we look at the many body systems and how our bodies change during puberty. To assist with this the Wonder of Living Family Enrichment Program is coming to our school to offer a Family Night on the topic of sexuality education. Notes went home this week about the family night. Please ensure you return the reply slip by the end of term so we can ensure all year 5/6 students are part of this program.  


Although it is not a compulsory event, it is highly recommended as there are topics which students would benefit from hearing with their parents / guardians. Please also note that due to the topics covered we cannot have siblings of our year 5/6 students attending. This may mean that only one parent can attend with your 5/6 child. 


If you have any questions, please email me: btardrew@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au 


Bec Tardrew

Learning and Teaching Leader.