Catholic Identity 

Religious Education, Sacramental and Faith Celebration News

Holy Week

Today we celebrated our Palm Sunday liturgy, where we recalled the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Some Year 3/4 students helped us visualise this important event during the liturgy. There was also an opportunity for all present to re-enact the first Palm Sunday by waving palms and crying out "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna to God in heaven above!" The school yard was also decorated with palm fronds to remind us of this special celebration - the beginning of Holy Week! Thank you to all those who donated palm fronds. 

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross will be a progressive/moving liturgy on the sports oval on Tuesday 4th April from 9am. As this will involve a staggered start, you may choose to join us any time from 9am to 9:40am (Stations will begin every 5 minutes beginning at 9:10am). The stations will take approximately 50 minutes to complete from start to finish. 

Project Compassion 2023

M&M Jar Guessing Competition

The past two weeks, we have had an M&M Guessing Jar competition across the four Learning Centres. Students have eagerly entered their guesses in the hope of winning the jar full of M&Ms! The winners will be announced at our whole school assembly next week, along with the total money raised during our Project Compassion fundraising efforts for 2023. 




2023 Australian Catholics Young Voices Award

The 2023 Australian Catholics Young Voices Award theme is 'Climate for Change'. 

Students are invited to create an entry in either the print, photo or digital (podcast or video) category. This competition is open to all Year 5/6 students. 


Prizes will be awarded and selected entries will be published in the Australian Catholics magazine. 


Entries must be submitted electronically by the learning group teacher via This website also has further information about the competition. 

I would encourage as many Year 5/6 students to enter as possible! 


School Masses

Today we were able to come together as a school community to celebrate our first Whole School Mass for 2023. As we journey through this lenten season, the theme of our Mass was 'The Light of Christ' which illuminates our path during this time of reflection. Thank you to all of those from our school community - parents, grandparents and friends - who joined us for this Mass. 


This year, we are very fortunate to be able to celebrate a whole school Mass each term, as well as some smaller Masses in Terms 3 and 4. All Masses will be celebrated in the Sports Centre. Parents and families are invited to these celebrations and we hope to see as many of you as possible attend!


Here are the dates and times of our Masses for 2023:


Term 2, Week 6: Whole School Mass, Friday 2nd June at 2pm


Term 3, Week 6: LC1 and LC2 Mass, Friday 18th August at 2pm

Term 3, Week 8: Feast Day Whole School Mass, Friday 1st September at 10am


Term 4, Week 4: LC3 & LC4 Mass, Friday 27th October at 2pm

Term 4, Week 7: Whole School Mass, Friday 17th November at 2pm


Sacramental Program 2023

First Reconciliation


On Wednesday evening just gone, students from Our Lady of the Southern Cross celebrated the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. It was a wonderful celebration of God's love for us all. Our students were supported by family and friends. 


Congratulations to the following students who celebrated the Sacrament of First Reconciliation:

Aanya K

Alicia L’E

Alliemay W

Alier D

Alvina E

Amelia R

Arach D

Arjun K

Axel Q

Benjamin J

Caitlyn L

Daniel S

Dash V

Diya T

Ethan M

Emily-Rose M

Evan J

Finn C

Gia V

Hudson N

Inari I-I

Isabelle P

Jaxon L

Kayden F-P

Kuei A

Leah F

Lucilla F

Luke L

Meleena W

Mercy A

Michael L

Mokitha M

Natalie S

Naveen K

Nimna D

Nylah C

Reuben H

Romeo A

Samantha J

Sanuk M

Xavier V

Zoie Y





Information regarding First Eucharist and Confirmation for 2023 will be shared with students and families early in Term 2, so please keep a look out. 


Dates of our 2023 Sacramental Program are as follows:

2023 Sacramental Dates



Date and Time

First Eucharist Family EveningOLSC Sports CentreWed. 19th July, 6.30pm
Sacrament of First EucharistSt. Andrew's Church

Mon. 24th July, 6.30pm &, 

Wed. 26th July, 6.30pm

Confirmation Family EveningOLSC Sports CentreWed. 2nd August, 6.30pm
Sacrament of ConfirmationSt. Andrew's ChurchFri. 11th August, 5pm


First Eucharist Sacramental Students - 2023

Ager M

Aki C

Alier D

Amelia R

April M

Bentley B

Caelan J

Cassandra L

Celeste B

Daniel D

Diya T

Eason L

Fredrik V

Giovanni F-M

Grace Z

Hudson B

Isabelle F

Imogen C

Isabelle P

Jake B-D

Jayden V

Joanna T

Jody M

Joshan F

Kivain P

Maduot P

Miley H

Patrick Z

Reyne V

Rohan S

Rohan V

Romeo A

Samuel M

Shenarie S

Steven A

Xarvell U

Yar W

Yier T

Zara D

Zarnah L

Jesse B-T

Bill M

Vinisha B



Confirmation Sacramental Students - 2023

Adrian W


Ajak A

Amook M

Ava J

Charlie P

Chloe S

Cristian P

Emily P

Ethan L

Harper N.

Lilee B

Lucas L

Malia K

Manuella B

Noah U

Rian Q

Scarion A

Tyron V

Vincci S

William F

Yar W

Zach O

Zarnah L

Zoe L

Amath L

Suzie A


John Dini

Catholic Identity Leader