Classroom & Curriculum News

Assembly of 2023!

Let's congratulate our hard working students for week 7 & 8 

And wish a Happy Birthday to our March students!! 

1/2LM presented their learning to the school. Congratulations to our School Captains, Eilish & Leo, who ran the assembly in week 7! 3/4WS presented in week 8.


Fruit shop excursion 

Yesterday the Preps went on their very first excursion. 

We had some very wild weather at the start of the day that almost ruined our morning. We waited until we dried off and went down the street after lunch.

Our Inquiry unit has focused on healthy eating (sometimes and always foods), supporting our local businesses in the community and exposing them to using money and receiving change. 

The kids went inside the fruit shop, picked out a piece of fruit and were very excited to pay with their own money.  

When we got back we wrote about our adventures, and made delicious fruit salad in a cup to take home. 

The preps have been participating in Respectful Relationships every Thursday with the assistance of Ms Tara. We start every session with a smiling minds meditation and then have lots of healthy whole class discussions on our emotions and how to express how we are feeling.  We have been creating a year long folder to fill up with all of our great R&R lessons to take home. 

Fair Share Chicken Scramble: 

This week we have been learning "Fair sharing" in Maths and how we can make it fair, and to have left overs if it isnt completely fair. Miss Jess pretended the whole class were chickens and she chucked chicken feed all over the playground floor. Prep J chickens had to collect all the food in their hats. Once we worked out how many pieces of food we had each, we drew in our books how many pieces of food we can share between 4 chickens and what was left over in the compost. 

Year 1/2-

Last week the Year 1/2s had a Market Fresh incursion. With the support from presenters Mia & Carolyn, they learnt about good and bad bugs and their importance in the life-cycle of certain fruits and vegetables. We learnt about different types of fruits and vegetables and how eating them forms part of a healthy well balanced diet. We were given the opportunity to taste a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables including apples, watermelon, capsicum, cucumber and avocado to name a few. It was great to see the students all try all the different foods and enjoy the experience of eating such beautiful fresh produce; after learning the supply chain (paddock to plate) here in Victoria. We can’t wait to try out some of the recipes we were given at home for all to enjoy! And check out the largest tower some of us made at lunchtime this week - it was very cool!

Year 3/4-


This week 3/4 WS did our assembly this week and it went very well. All the students did an amazing job at presenting. Thank you to all the family and friends who came along to watch us. We hope that you gained lots of insights as to what we have been learning about.


Pilates with Tegan

As part of your Inquiry topic on Identity, the 3/4 students all had a Pilates session with Tegan (Fidel and Pascale's mum). We all bought along our yoga mats and participated in a session of stretching which was so much fun. We were learning that it is important to have a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. We all enjoyed our session and we thank Tegan so much for offering up her time!




Last week the Year 3's completed NAPLAN. They all worked so hard and tried their best which was great to see! They felt relieved and proud once they had completed all tests. The Year 4's worked on creating and presenting a St Patrick's day research task during this time!

Year 5/6-

This week, the Year 5/6 student completed a length investigation task. Students worked in pairs to estimate and measure the length of different objects in the yard including: soccer goals, buddy bench, sand pit and basketball court. Student were creative with their strategies to measure the basketball court. Some students decided to measure half way using the tape measure and then multiple by two. Some students use 1 metre tape measures and lay them across the whole court. 

Exciting News from the Garden....

We have spring onions, peas and carrots growing!!!

5/6- Cooking Lesson

The 5/6 Students had two cooking lessons over the past two week. They prepared and cut up different fruit to make a fruit salad. And created a delicious basil vinaigrette to dress green string beans. The students picked the fresh basil from the garden!

They also practiced proper kitchen hygiene and keeping clean work spaces. The students learnt about being responsible with child safe kitchen knives and learnt correct knife handling.  

After their hard work, they were able to eat their delicious prepared meals.




Ciao A tutti!

Check out what is happening in the language classroom:

Prep Buddy session: 

Preps are learning Italian with their buddies. 

Year 1/2 students are working on oral language through group work and role plays.