Chaplain's Corner

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members, a heart of grace, and a soul generated by love.” Corretta Scott King.
It was a privilege to attend Year 7 camp at Phillip Island recently. The children really enjoyed the action packed activities and were challenged in both their individual and teamwork skills. It provided fertile ground for learning – I was particularly reminded in the raft making that a champion team will be better placed than a team of individual champions. It was hot weather and they certainly enjoyed swimming in the pool during afternoon free time. I am sure they came home tired but happy!
Chapels have continued to focus on the journey of Lent through to Easter, with the last two weeks' themes being the Temptation of Jesus in the Desert (Matthew 4:1-11) and Nicodemus meets Jesus (John 3:1-17). In talking about being “born again” spiritually, I shared the story of John Newton who began life as a cruel man working on transatlantic slave ships but after his religious conversion at sea during a storm, went on to become an Anglican minister for 42 years and joined the anti-slavery movement. He worked closely with William Wilberforce, who worked for 36 years to get the British Parliament to abolish slavery. John Newton is famously known for writing the well know song “Amazing Grace”.
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see.
Thanks to those who turned up for the Picnic and Games night in the Kitchen Garden on 28 February. It wasn’t the best weather but food and games were enjoyed by all those who attended. Hopefully the weather will be kinder for the Easter Celebration on Tuesday 4 April @ 6pm!
Vale “Theodore Parawee Hare”
On Thursday 2 March a funeral was held for Theo Hare, who died in a car accident during the summer holidays. Our condolences go to his mum Elli, brother Alexander and the entire family.
Theo was a member of Prep F in 2022. On behalf of the College, I attended this special occasion with his teacher Miss Fasiha Faizi, Mrs Renaye Meletis (teacher assistant), Mrs Natasha Radley (Head of Prep), Mrs Leanne Shultz (Assistant Principal Primary) and Mrs Megan Williams (Deputy Head of Primary). It was a difficult but important occasion to both grieve and share in the celebration of this wonderful boy who lived life to the full! He will be missed by many in the school community, especially those in his class. Elli looks forward with hope to Alexander coming to Aitken College in 2024!
Rev. Gavin Blakemore