
Year 12 Students
We have just finished working with the Year 12 students in their Life Skills classes. It has been delightful to meet the students and learn a little about their hopes for the future and the pathways they are exploring. Students have been very thoughtful in their approach to planning for their lives immediately beyond Aitken and many already have a clear idea of their direction.
During class we talked to the students about the two important aspects of careers education. The first being that of knowing / understanding yourself and the second, the ability to undertake appropriate career research. As part of this process the students were given the Year 12 careers timeline, a Glossary of common careers terms, some useful resources to aid in their career research and a refresher in using some of the readily available, free career tools to assist them with this research.
Careers in Life Skills classes are designed to assist students to continue with their career discovery and research, a journey begun in Year 10 when they commenced in Brookhill. The information they received in these classes can be added to the green careers folders they were provided with during their Careers in Life Skills classes in Year 10 - this information is still relevant and useful. Students are also being encouraged to revisit their Morrisby results from Term 2 of Year 10 (they have a lifetime login).
We have emphasised to the Year 12 students that:
- Careers staff are here to help
- There is lots of assistance available along the way as the year progresses
- B21 has an ‘open door’ policy
- Everyone can be good at careers.
Careers is not something you pass or fail, it is something everyone can be good at. It simply takes some time and energy on the part of the student for successful research to be undertaken. We hope students are now more aware of the tools available to them so they are able to undertake their career research. Of course, they are always most welcome to visit B21 or send Careers staff an email to ask any questions they may have.
Career News 3
Career News Issue 3 is now available and includes information about:
- The ANU Open Day
- Pathways at RMIT
- The Photography Studies College free school holiday workshops
- Studying the Built Environment at The University of Melbourne
- Where will the jobs be in 2026?
- What’s the difference between working as a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Osteopath and Myotherapist?
- Animation and Gaming courses in Victoria
- Eligibility for free TAFE being widened
- The Monash Science Experience
- Studying a Bachelor Health Science at Swinburne University
- Studying a Bachelor Engineering (Honours) at RMIT
- HMAS Cerberus Open Day
- Cyber Security courses in Victoria
- The Girls’ Programming Network at The University of Melbourne
and more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2023 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email: and / or
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors