
Dear Parents and Carers, 


NAPLAN always seems to loom large on our calendar, and will take place in a couple of weeks. As I have done in the past I thought I would unpack what it means for our students. 


The Paperwork 

The NAPLAN website can be found here. It includes resources including past tests and other pieces of information. 


Below is an information sheet, including common questions and queries about NAPLAN testing. 



Attached as well is a test window infographic which outlines the lengths of each test taken. 



Our Perspective 

Our school perspective on NAPLAN is mirrored in the consistent message we broadcast to all of our Year Three and Year Five students taking part. 

We absolutely do not want our students, or even our parents and families, to feel undue stress about NAPLAN. We consider this to be one set of tests, taken at one time. We are also very aware that the data for these tests is normally released upwards of five months later. 


We truly believe that each of our class teachers have a more complete picture of the strengths and challenges of each of their student. This is reflected in our planning documentation and the interesting and engaging lessons which take part at school each day. 


At St Anthony's we would never use one piece of assessment to gauge a students ability in a curriculum area.  Every score for reports, learning plans and more is triangulated from a variety of different assessment types. 


Why Bother then?  


In saying all this, NAPLAN testing does have its uses. The most important being: 


-It allows the the Government and Educational bodies to notice trends in their student data and see how core subjects are progressing. 


-It allows schools to notice trends in their student data and make adjustments to their goals or action plans as needed. For example, if NAPLAN testing suggests that improvement can be made in one area for all students, this may shape future planning. 


Following these two main reasons, it does also offer parents a chance to see how students are performing compared to a cohort across the country. 


What we do at school

All students in Year Three and Five have been completing NAPLAN preparation this term. This includes but isn't limited to: 


-Learning about and practicing the text types that may be required in the writing test. 

-Practicing answering multiple choice questions and using reasoning to narrow down possible responses. 

-Practicing logging on and using Laptops and the specified NAPLAN program. 

-Practicing the Stamina of working in silent test conditions within their classroom. 


When the time comes we are comfortable our students will know what to expect, and be equipped to work their way through each assessment to the best of their ability. 


What can parents do? 


Parents are welcome to access the NAPLAN website for past tests and work through some questions at home with students if they wish. Discussing the Narrative and Persuasive Writing text types with students, particularly the planning process for these, may also be of assistance. 


The most important thing we ask of parents in this time, however, is to please mirror the message being delivered from school. Don't stress, just do your best. When our next newsletter is released students will have completed the tests and we await the results later in the year. 


If you have any questions about any of this please do not hesitate to ask! 


Thanks so much!


Tim O'Mahoney

English Leader
