From the Principal 

We would like to acknowledge the original custodians of this land and waterways

and pay our respects to the Elders past and present and emerging, 

for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.

High Expectations, Inclusivity, Students with a Voice, Excellence for All!

St Anthony of Padua's Family

The world is so large but yet so close to us.  This is St Anthony's Cathedral in Lviv Ukraine which is the church for one of our families. It was completed in 1718 and proudly hosts liturgical events for the Catholic community.  Strength in solidarity makes this rich in catholic tradition and part of our worldwide school community.


St Anthony's Playgroup

It is with great pleasure that I announce that the school has registered the St Anthony's Playgroup.


The Playgroup is designed for toddlers and pre-school children who, accompanied by an adult, are invited  to come along for a routine of free play with a variety of toys and resources, outdoor play, morning tea and story time. The sessions will run every Wednesday from 9am - 10:30am during school terms starting Wednesday 26th April, 2023.


Karen, from YLV OSHC, will be employed by the school to be the coordinator and hold the weekly sessions which will be held in the Library and OSHC area.


Please pass the word around  that the program will be available to whoever wishes to attend.


Interested families are required to register their attendance at the School Office and then they will be directed to the Library.


Donations of good quality preloved toys suitable for toddlers and pre-school children will be greatly appreciated.  They can be dropped off at the office before the end of this term.


Holt District Swimming Carnival

What a fantastic effort our students showed when they represented our school in the Swimming Carnival held at Oakleigh Swimming pool  They eagerly took party in all the events with great vigor and stamina.  This year a large number of students (Lachlan, Fiona, Charlie D, Julian, Isaac, Hamilton, Eddie)  have qualified to go on to the Beachside District Events which is Melbourne wide schools event.   Congratulations to all students - it's a bonus when they also have fun and work together as a fantastic team. Thank you to the parents who eagerly supported our group of athletes.


Website Photoshoot

Next Thursday  a professional photographer will be coming to school to take photos of the children involved in various activities so that that our website can be updated. 


Working Bee

Thank you to the families that gave up their time last Sunday to carry out the work for our school grounds - your work was immensely appreciated.


Curriculum Days /  Pupil Free Days for 2023

Please note the following dates for your calendars as they gave been scheduled Pupil Free Days.  These days allow the staff  to come together to plan for curriculum and school improvement through educational initiatives.  OSHC will be available on these days: 

Term 2 

Week 1 Monday  24th April before ANZAC Day, which is the first day of Term 2

Week 4 Monday 15th  May 

Term 3 Week 3   Friday 4th  August 

Term 4 Week 9  Tuesday 28th November


School Fees & Levies

Families are reminded that the first instalment for school fees is due to be paid by 3rd March 2023.  Please contact the office if you would like to arrange a regular payment plan.


Families with a concession card may be eligible for concessional fees. Please ask at the office for an application form.


If you are having financial difficulties please contact me to discuss a payment plan.


Money Found

A sum of unclaimed money has recently been handed in at the office. If you believe it may be yours please contact the office with details of the amount and date your money was lost.


Don't forget to promote our School Tours on  Wednesday 8 March 9.15am -11.00am

and  Monday 20 March 9.30am -11.00am. Thank you.


Reflection:  Lord, I give you all that I am this day. Please brush away my weariness, so that I may be inspired in my work. Help me to discover new ways to reveal your love to all I meet. Keep my mind clear and focused on all I need to achieve, and give me the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions.



Yours sincerely

Margaret Carlei
