
Scholastic Book Club issue 1 is out now!! 


The new look catalogue was distributed to the children in the first week back at school. There are lots of interesting and exciting books to help encourage your children’s reading.


The closing date for orders is Wednesday the 22nd of February. Please make sure all your orders are in by this date. You can order directly and easily on the LOOP app or drop your order form and the correct money off at reception (please make sure to put your name and class on the order). 


Please also remember that every single purchase contributes to the RMPS rewards points scheme! These rewards directly benefit every single class at RMPS with several new books being selected for the classrooms. 


Misplaced your issue 1 Catalogue? Not to worry as it’s online on the LOOP app and there are some spares near reception on the table as you come in the front door. 


Thank you, 

RMPS Scholastic Bookclub Coordinators 



Art Smock

During our art lessons there are times when we are using paint and clay etc. Could you please ensure that your child has their own art smock that is labelled with their name. 


This would be much appreciated.

Mrs Cassidy



Great news the Canteen will be open for Frozen Friday 
for over the counter sales - Cash only