Acting Principal's Report

Respect, Creativity, Endeavour, Friendliness, Honesty, Trust

Please note that if your family no longer has students attending Roberts McCubbin Primary School, you may unsubscribe from our newsletter list at the bottom of the newsletter email.

Acting Principal’s Message

School Council Election

As circulated via Compass last week, nominations are now open for parent/carer representation on School Council.

This year, we have 3 vacancies of parents/carers who have served their term. Those current Councilors are welcome to re-nominate or be re-nominated.

If you would like to nominate for School Council or nominate another parent or carer, nomination forms can be collected from the school office.

You Tell Us - Meet the Teacher Meetings

Thank you to all who participated in the meetings last week, a vital opportunity for parents and carers to bring important information to the attention of the teacher and often the beginning of a strong home-school relationship throughout the year. We very much appreciate our staff working long into the evening to facilitate these meetings.

Families of 5K will have the opportunity to meet with Mr Kong on Monday 20th of February, keep an eye on Compass for an announcment that bookings have opened.

District Swimming

Congratulations to all competitors from years 3 to 6 who have participated in the District Swimming event today. We look forward to hearing how they have fared. Not a bad day for a swim!

We would love to see some growth in the size of our team next year - while the District competition is essentially to qualify swimmers for the next level, it's also a great opportunity to represent the Robbie Mac "Have a Go" attitude.

2023 Art Show and School Fair

A reminder that the Art Show opening is on Friday 17th March and continues during the Fair the following day on Saturday 18th March. Please keep and eye out for important updates and opportunities to get involved via Compass and this fortnightly newsletter. Both events also have a page on our website featuring lots of key information:

Some important reminders (reprint of last fortnight):


A reminder that we are still in peak 'SunSmart' season. Please ensure all students have an approved hat. Opportunities to apply sunscreen will be provided by teachers.


Road Safety - Birdwood & Devon Street

Please be mindful of road rules before and after school, whether in a car or on foot. Cars must only stop as per street signage, and not within the restricted area either side of the Birdwood Street crossing. Disabled car parks must also be left clear for cars with permits displayed. Please also ensure that all community members are using the designated crossing wherever possible.


Road Safety - Haig Street

Community members have also raised concerns about safety on Haig Street before and after school, with students often crossing in an unsafe manner. We have asked City of Whitehorse to consider improvements to Haig Street, including a request for a new school crossing, however these requests have so far been unsuccessful.

Haig Street residents have also contacted the school to request that parents do not park cars across driveways before and after school.







Peter Watson

Acting Principal