A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
We had a very busy week last week. We began on Shrove Tuesday with parent helpers and students from the Catholic Identity Team helping cook and deliver pancakes to our children.
We thank the parents and grandparents that came and cooked over 900 pancakes in record time:
Grateful thanks to:
- Ronnyne Magill
- Joseph and Josephine Espiridion
- Pat Goyne
- Michaela Sargeant
- Bec Monk
- Cecily Davis
- Jess Wright
- Ollie Gibbs
- Natalie Tsirgianis
- Barry Clark
- Ewa Zurawski
- and members of our Catholic Identity Team.
Well done everyone! Money raised will be sent to Caritas.
Ash Wednesday
Year 1/2 students had a Paraliturgy in the Courtyard and received the Ashes on the forehead by the teachers. Years 3-6 Students attended the Parish Mass on Ash Wednesday at 9.15am.
Opening School Mass
Our Opening School Mass was a beautiful way to begin the 2023 School year. It was our first Opening Mass in a couple of years.
The children sang beautifully and were extremely attentive and respectful. Our Year 6 student Leaders has a special blessing from Father Joe Taylor.
Special thanks to Ange Collins for her beautiful singing and the great choir. Thanks to Amelia Mangiameli for playing the Organ and Mr Maskell for being in charge of the Technology.
Thanks to all our readers who read beautifully.
A big special thanks to Leanne Pellegrino, our Catholic Identity Leader for all her fantastic organisation and preparation. Leanne spent a great deal of time in ensuring that our Mass would be a lovely experience for all.
We are extremely fortunate to have Father Joe Taylor as our Parish Priest and well supported by Father Jackson. Thank you both for your support.
Year 3/4 Camp
This week our 3/4 students went off to Camp Kookaburra, Corop for a one day overnight camp. Years 3/4 Howley, Dainton and Renato set off on Wednesday. They had a great day of exciting outdoor activities and then 'St. Brendan's Got Talent' on Wednesday night.
Today a very excited group of 3/4 Secchi and O'Hara were ready to go to Camp. Many thanks to our teachers and parents who attended.
Thanks to John Howley, Liz Dainton, Andrew Renato and Joel Brian (Camp 1). Many thanks to parents, Katie Mills, Kym Henderson and Charity Warombo who went on Camp 1.
Thanks to John Howley, Nathan Secchi and Brock O'Hara who are attending Camp 2. Special thanks to Katie Mills who stayed for both camps.
The weather was perfect and was great to hear that all children enjoyed their experience. This is Year 3's students first camp they have attended.
Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations
On Monday, 6th and Tuesday, 7th March, teachers will be conducting Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations. Booking is online, with an option of a face to face or a telephone conversation.
We ask that you book your time to discuss your child's progress at school. These times are 10 minutes each and we please ask that you be on time. Teachers look forward to catching up.
Long Service Leave
I will be away next Thursday, 9th March and will be back on Monday, 20th March as I have Long Service Leave for 7 days. Joel Brian (Deputy Principal), supported by the Leadership Team will be in attendance.
Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Paula Stevenson - Principal