Principal's Report

Student Merits

To recognise the excellent work of our students, as ‘learners’ and as ‘people’, teachers are awarding ‘Student Merits’ to 1-2 students each week.  As mentioned in a previous post on Compass, we have added this new element of our Growth and Recognition Framework this year. ‘Student Merits’ are awarded on Compass Chronicle and can be seen on the student’s Compass Dashboard. Teachers award these as a result of students consistently demonstrating the College Values for Learning and Community. The values for Learning are Creativity, Curiosity, Discipline, Reflection and Resilience. The Values for Community are Compassion, Empathy, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility. 


The exciting element of this program for our students is the fact that a number of our students will be receiving a range of rewards as a result of the ‘Merits’ that they have been awarded. These include: Movie tickets, a lunch from Subway, canteen vouchers and a range of other vouchers and gift cards.   


10 students per Year Level (60 students in total) will be announced as recipients of rewards. When this happens, they will get to select the reward of their choice. Our first round of reward recipients will be announced at our next Year Level Assemblies on Tuesday the 21st of March. The more ‘Merits’ that students receive, the greater the chance they have of having the opportunity to receive some of the above rewards. However, even if a student has received one ‘Student Merit’, they will have a chance of receiving a reward; as a digital raffle system will be used to establish who our reward winners will be.  


In addition to the above process occurring every term, ‘Merits’ will also lead to other positive rewards. These include:   

  • Students being invited into a celebratory morning/afternoon tea with their parents/carers and Heads of House at the end of each semester.  
  • A Principal’s Merit Award being awarded for each year level at our annual Presentation Night – with a monetary reward also attached. This will be awarded to the student who has received the most ‘Merits’ for the year level.  


While it’s important for our students to be intrinsically motivated and to take great personal pride in the way that they conduct themselves at school, we also believe that it will be nice for students who are generally making positive choices to receive some extra extrinsic rewards and acknowledgement for their work as well. We look forward to celebrating the great work of our students throughout the year!  

School Council 2023

Please find below the successful School Council members for 2023. 


Parent Members - Duly Elected  





Student Members  


KIARAIN PRUM (1 year)  


DET Members - Duly Elected  




Peter Rhodes

Associate Principal