Year 11 News

Tim Pitt & Ebony Tate | Year 11 Coordinators

We are already halfway through the term, and our year 11 students have been busy at Horsham College! We want to take this time to reflect on our achievements, celebrate our successes, and address any challenges that we may face. As we move into the second half of the term, we encourage our students to maintain their focus and continue to work hard towards their academic and personal goals.


Our Year 11 VCE - Vocational Major students have been undertaking some group challenges in Personal  Development Skills (PDS). Last week they were challenged to save an egg from a messy end using a limited range of materials. Two eggs were saved on the day, with a lot learned about the importance of communication, having a shared vision/goal and working together.


Swimming Sports

We were impressed by the incredible turnout of year 11 students at Swimming Sports. It was fantastic to see so many students jumping in the pool and competing in a range of swimming events, showcasing their talents and pushing themselves to achieve their personal bests. We are also grateful for the number of students who attended to cheer on their friends and teammates, and contributed to the vibrant and exciting atmosphere. 

We would like to congratulate all of our students who participated in the swimming carnival, regardless of whether they won or not. We are proud of each and every one of you for demonstrating sportsmanship, teamwork, and a positive attitude throughout the day. Good luck to any students who are going on to compete at the next level!


Personal Development Skills

Our Year 11 VCE - Vocational Major students have been undertaking some group challenges in Personal Development Skills (PDS). Last week they were challenged to save an egg from a messy end using a limited range of materials. Two eggs were saved on the day, with a lot learned about the importance of communication, having a shared vision/goal and working together.



Year 11 Biology students have been learning about plasma membranes and how substances move in and out of cells. We have been using lollies and bubbles to model this process – such fun!


Study Centre

We appreciate the way students have settled into using the study centre during study periods and times that their teachers are away. We have noticed that many of you have been utilising the space effectively and in accordance with its intended purpose. We understand that studying can sometimes be a challenge, but we are thrilled to see so many of you taking advantage of the quiet space.

We would like to remind all year 11 students that the study centre is not to be used during recess and lunch breaks. During these times, the space is only available to year 12 students. It is a privilege that you can look forward to next year.


Study Days

Year 11 study days run fortnightly on Wednesdays (odd weeks of the school term). Study days are provided to allow you the opportunity to review and prepare for upcoming classes and complete assignments. They are not intended to be used for work, such as part-time jobs or other responsibilities. While we understand the pressures and demands that many of you face, we strongly encourage you to prioritise your studies during this time. Students who are enrolled in a year 12 subject are expected to attend that class, even on a study day.



If your child is absent we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline on 5382 1191, a signed note or Seqta message. Form group teachers will be in touch if your child has an unexplained absence to ensure your child’s attendance is up to date.