Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 7 BBQ and the SEQTA information sessions. It was great to see so many of you at the school and getting to know the Year 7 staff at Horsham College. Thank you to all the staff that helped on the night and to our college leaders for cooking the BBQ. 

Year 7 Immunisations

The Year 7 students have done a fantastic job of quickly returning their immunisation forms.  Immunisations will be held on Thursday 9th March. Please contact the Year 7 office if you have any concerns regarding logistics.  The immunisations are organised through Horsham Rural City Council, if you have any medical queries, please contact them.


Well done to all the students who participated at the Horsham College swimming sports on the 20th of February. It was great to see so many of our Year 7 in the pool having a ‘dip’ and to the many out of the pool participating in the extra activities ran with a smile on their face. 

A huge thank you to Liana and Jase for organising such a fun day for our school community.


This is the name of the online portal that our school uses to link students, parents and teachers to enable clear communication of student progress in all subjects. Families should have received a welcome letter (via email) with login instructions this week. If you do not receive this email by next week, please check your “Junk” or spam mailbox, then contact the school for further assistance.

Student Absences

We value your child’s education, every day of school counts. If your child is absent from school, we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline on 5381 7200, the Skoolbag app or a signed note handed to form group teachers.



A common question from parents of new Year 7 students is “they tell me they don’t have any homework, do they have homework?” As your student transitions from one main teacher to several in high school, the expectations for homework shift. At the same time, the life of a Year 7 student can get very busy, with sporting, music and other commitments.  While there can be quieter times for homework, there are also busier times, so it’s important to schedule time for homework! 

We suggest setting aside time each week for ‘home study’: time to read, to review what was learned, to practice tricky concepts, revise for tests, and to complete unfinished work or projects.  This will look different for every student, but perhaps three nights a week, for half an hour or so is a good place to start. This means that it will be easier to find homework time when projects become due later in the semester.  


Year Level Coordinators held a whole cohort assembly where we were able to celebrate the many number of students who received a high number of value awards throughout the start of the school term. The students can receive a value award from any teacher for showing care, character, commitment, or collaboration while at school. 

We were able to award five students with a $10 canteen voucher for their efforts so far.

Congratulations to the following students:

  • Sonny O’Brien
  • Zephyr Vanstan
  • Stevie Clark
  • Lara Bell
  • Elly Dunn

We look forward to congratulating more students throughout 2023! 


Year 7 Science News

Year 7s have been enjoying an introduction to Science safety in the lab. As part of this topic they have been learning how to light Bunsen burners and investigating which flame of the Bunsen burner will heat water in the least time.  What do you think is the hottest flame? Blue or yellow flame?

Year 7 Wood

The year 7s have started the semester off by learning about certain tools and equipment that is used within a woodwork room. They have learned how to safely use tools such as chisels, saws and even a wood burner. Throughout the semester the students will build their skills and end up designing and producing projects such as a pot stand and a small shelf. Here are some action shots of the students completing some skill building exercises.