

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer

Year 7 BBQ

Last week we enjoyed the opportunity to connect with families and students at the Year 7 Welcome BBQ. This coincided with some information sessions on SEQTA to help our Year 7 families learn about how to use and communicate through SEQTA Engage. It was great to see such a wonderful turnout. A big Thank-you to our Year 7 team Mrs. McKenry, Mr. Hose and Mr. Bruce for organising the event. We would also like to thank our Horsham College staff who assisted with the night and to our Year 12 SRC for cooking up a storm on the BBQ.


Year 8 Camp

During Week 3, the Year 8s started their school year off with a bang with their year level camp at Anglesea. Over 3 days, students enjoyed a variety of activities such as surf bodyboarding, stand up paddleboarding, giant swing, high ropes, mountain bike riding, skateboarding and more! With warm weather to enjoy the coastal camp, it sounded like everyone had a great time (staff included!!). Thank you to all of our staff who attended and a special thanks to Mr. Block for organising the camp.



Now that we are approaching the mid-point of our first term, we ask for the support of our families in ensuring your child is leaving home in full school uniform (this means NO hoodies, no black shorts and only long sleeved white and navy blue garments under the sports polo). Students are also only to be wearing plain black shoes. We understand at times, the correct uniform may not be able to be worn, in this instance, students are to bring in a signed note to their co-ordinators and must try to wear as close a match to the correct uniform as possible. 


Social Media

The world of social media is a very interesting space and one that is difficult to really understand what is being put out in the universe for all to see. Although mobile phones are not allowed at school, we are seeing an increase of issues coming into our college as a result of conflict on social media outside of school hours. It is easy to write a comment behind a device and not think twice about it, but we lose sense of the tone intended and the hurt that can be done emotionally. It is difficult to keep track of what your child is doing on social media as messages disappear and we are not watching the screens of our children at all times. Speaking to your children about what they post, what they say to other people and how they speak to other people is incredibly important and a lifelong lesson.



As a College, we receive daily emails from organisations on the education of our students on a wide variety of topics. The one that is constantly popping up at the moment is Vaping. Unfortunately vapes are readily available and vaping is common in teenagers and becoming a normalised behaviour.  Many vapes contain nicotine and the evidence is pointing towards mental health risks and harm to physical health. Conversations with your children are really effective.  Be open and do your own research on the effects.