'Chappy Chats'

Horsham College Chaplaincy Committee

The Chaplaincy Committee meet on the first Thursday each month, at 5pm in the Administration Building in Baillie Street.  We’re currently organising our May Chaplaincy Book Fair, which raises funds for events such as those described above.  If you are interested in getting involved, we’d love to hear from you.

The Swimming Carnival was a wonderful day of fun for Horsham College students. 

While competition was fierce in the pool, the battle beside the water was also keen, as teenagers went up against their friends to fight it out in doughnut limbo. 


Sponsored by the Chaplaincy Committee, students dressed in all sorts of costumes - including bathing suits and actual suits - entered the fray and ended up with sugar and cinnamon in their hair.  They provided lots of laughs for onlookers, who cheered as their fellow students wrangled a freshly baked treat tied-up with string. 


Also popular, was the egg and bacon roll breakfast provided for the Year 12 students before they paraded into the YMCA.  Hamish Roberts fried up 120 eggs and slices of bacon to be built into delicious Hi Fibre Low GI bread rolls by Vicki Stevens and myself as a gift from the Chaplaincy Committee. 


Served in the carpark to the costumed students, the breakfast was accompanied by loud music and lots of laughs as the Year 12s enjoyed a special day during their final year at Secondary College. 

Yolande Grosser
Chaplain, Horsham College.