Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mr Hayward, Mrs Harrison and Miss Judy.

Our 3/4 cohort has had a brilliant start to the schooling year. It has been wonderful to see the student's smiley faces again and hear about their fun holidays. Students have had the chance to create name tags, help create displays in the classroom, and set up expectations, routines and class promises.  


Students also investigated our School Values. We discussed what each value meant and looked like across the school. Our students helped create posters and displays that show examples of our values. They also demonstrated these values through their behaviour in their classroom and the yard. Our students finished their investigation by creating their school bell by writing in their own words what respect, responsibility and safety mean. 


We would also like to welcome Miss Stephan to our teaching team. Miss Stephan teaches 3/4C and has had a wonderful first week with her fabulous class.