
Over the past 4 weeks all new Year 10 and 11 students have been inducted into Farm operations and driving. 


Mr Olde and I delivered a safety presentation as part of this induction.  Commencing in Week 5 we will be conducting an induction of all College tractors and carrying out driving assessments for students who are over 15 years of age.

Year 10s
Year 11s
Year 10s
Year 11s

Maize Crop

Mr Falkingham has been keeping a close eye on the maize crop over the past week to determine when it will be ready for harvesting.  Indications are that it should be ready around March 7th or 8th. The maize will be harvested by a contractor and carted to the dairy to be made into silage for the milking herd.

Cattle Club

Next week we plan to commence Cattle Club.  Due to the number of students wishing to participate, this will be held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  We also plan to conduct several judging sessions for students who are participating in junior judging events at Wagin Woolorama.


I would just like to remind all parents and students (Day and Boarding) that when you decided to accept a position at the College you accepted the fact that your son or daughter would be required to attend morning milking as part of the Farm roster. 


Geoff Howell and the Farm Staff