Extension Pathway - Chemistry

Year 12 Extension students completed their first laboratory in Chemistry. The aim of this lab was to investigate separation techniques while analysing and assessing the quality of river water. This has great implications towards sustainable management practices within agriculture and the impacts it can have on our surrounding natural habitats. Students approached the task with a professional and mature attitude. 

Year 10 Science

Year 10 Science has started the term with Chemistry. Investigating "invisible" atoms is often a difficult concept to understand, so to assist in this we performed a flame test investigation that highlighted the movement of atoms through colour. 

Medical Certificates

Thank you to parents who have been promptly sending in medical certificates to cover their child’s absence. This enables their child to be given an alternative assessment arrangement (usually to sit the test at the earliest opportunity upon their return to school), rather than receiving a zero for the assessment. 


A reminder if your child is required to be absent for a non-medical reason, parents are asked to put the request for the leave to be authorised in writing to the Deputy Principal, Mr Bill Stewart or the Principal, Mr Steve Watt. (Note this is a different process to the REACH leave that residential students do). When the Principal or Deputy Principal authorises the leave, the student will be able to access alternative assessment arrangements upon their return. Please keep in mind that holidays during term time will not be authorised by the College. 


If you have questions about medical certificates or authorised leave, please feel free to contact me at