Physical Education

Hello families,
Hope you are keeping cool during this weather.
District Swimming Carnival
A big thank you to those families that came along to our trials on Wednesday at Aquanation, Ringwood. It was so fabulous to see so many students giving it a go. Thanks to Mr Crowe and Mrs Jones for assisting me for the morning and thank you to all the parents that got up early and brought their children along too.
The teams will be on our new sports board (near the drink taps on the side of the community centre) on Tuesday for students to observe who made the team. Unfortunately we are limited to taking 2 students per stroke and a student can only be entered in a maximum of 2 strokes and a relay.
The event is on Wednesday 1st March at Aquarena, Doncaster. An Operoo will be sent to those students' parents who have made the team, so please look out for that this week. We will meet with the students the Tuesday prior to run through any last minute things they may need to know, but all of the information will also be put on the operoo, so please share this with them. If you are able to assist on the day, particularly timing, we would really appreciate the help.
District - Year 4 Gala Day
On Wednesday 8th of March, the year 4’s will participate in their first Summer Gala Day. They have filled out a form and elected their preferences and will be slotted into teams this week. Students will participate in either soccer, newcombe ball, hot shots or rounders.
Hot Shots will be run from Nunawading Tennis Courts - 6 Lane St, Nunawading and the remaining sports will be from Mahoney’s Reserve 138 Mahoneys Rd, Forest Hill.
The day will run from 10 until 2pm. If you have any time to spare to assist with coaching a team, umpiring or general assistance, please let me know. We just need you to also have a working with children check that you can provide us with a number for and sign the appropriate volunteer forms which can be found at the office, if you haven’t already done so.
As always, any questions please email me at
Stay well, stay cool & stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator
(Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
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