Young Parents Education Program (YPEP)

We are thrilled to announce the YPEP has officially commenced in Term 1 of 2023 at Cranbourne Secondary College in a newly renovated, vibrant space within the senior wing of the college grounds.
YPEP is for pregnant and parenting young people aged between 15 and 20 years old, to complete their education through studying in a supported and flexible learning environment where young parents bring their babies to classes (until babies are walking or 12 months old).
The program gives young parents the opportunity to access support and advice from a range of experts about parenting, early childhood development, financial literacy and counselling, mental health, wellbeing, legal, housing and more.
Young parents:
- Study with other young parents in a supported and holistic education program.
- Complete Year 12 with curriculum tailored to individual interests and needs.
- Obtain direct experience in industry through completing a VET qualification, and developing the skills and attitudes required in the workplace.
- Have the Early Parenting Support Practitioner (EPSP) on site every day to assist with care, feeding, sleeping, and settling of baby.
- Actively participate in incursions and excursions.
- Pathway to an apprenticeship, traineeship, employment or further study.
- Explore parenting and join in early childhood workshops.
- Are fully supported while in education and with making the transition to further education, training or employment by the Wellbeing & Transition Coaches with the Young Mothers Transition Program (YMTP).
Classes are held between 9:30 and 2:30 pm three to four days per week.