Library News

Book Borrowing and Library Awards

Library is well and truly up and running this year! Miss Russell is thoroughly enjoying being back at school and sharing her love of books and literature with our students. 


In order to borrow and take books home we ask that all students bring along a library bag. Please help your child to remember their library bag on their relevant library day – if any student does not have a library bag, any protective bag with their name on it will do. We have a small supply of ‘spare’ bags should your child need one, so please let us know if this is the case.


As in previous years our Library Awards system will be in operation. In order to have a ticket placed into our Library Awards box, each student needs to bring along their library bag and borrow or renew a book three weeks in a row. The names remain in the library awards box for the year. Just prior to each assembly our Year 6 leaders randomly draw 8 tickets from the box and announce these at assembly along with a Library Book Award certificate. 

The following week students who are recipients of these certificates have the opportunity to go to the library where they will be able to select a book to keep of their very own from a selection of books set aside for this purpose.


Parent Helpers

Would you like to help us in our library? 

Thursday afternoons, 2.30pm – 3:30pm, has been set aside as a time for parents/grandparents/friends, etc., to assist with many tasks in our library which include book processing, covering and shelving.

All are welcome - toddlers too! 

If you’d like any further information regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me at any stage.


We will be starting next week (16th February) and ask that you sign in at the office to register your attendance and have a WWCC which has been registered with the school.

I’m looking forward to seeing new faces, as well as our old ones, for those parents and friends who continue to be so generous with their time.

Scholastic Book Club

Once again our school is participating in the Scholastic Book Club where students bring home a book catalogue of the current items that can be purchased. There are 8 editions throughout the year when this opportunity will happen. 

Orders can be either lodged directly online via the Scholastic LOOP system or sent to school where our Book Club Organiser parent, Sarah Huxley, will process the order. Books arrive within two weeks of the cut-off date and are distributed to directly to students at school unless another delivery request has been made. 

Our school receives a generous commission from all sales which helps us to fund popular book purchasing throughout the school.


Edition 1 brochure was sent home last week and cut-off date for orders is Friday 17th February.




Karin Sansom
