2023 Important Dates and Information

Tuesday 21st February
School picnic and Information night. 4.30pm to 6.30pm
We invite you and the family to bring a rug and some dinner and picnic on the oval. It is a great opportunity for your children to introduce their friends and for you to meet other families within the same class or cohort.
Information Sessions Times and Location
Sessions | Gym | Ngarnga | Library |
4.40pm - 5.10pm | Preps | Year 6 | Year 3 |
5.20pm - 5.50pm | Year 1 | Year 7 | Year 4 |
6.00pm - 6.30pm | Year 2 | Year 8 | Year 5 |
Friday 24th February
Year 7 Vaccination Card due.
Tuesday 7th March
Colour Explosion Fun Run - Tuesday 7th March
It's that time again of year where we start fundraising for our School whilst the students get to have an explosion of FUN for the end of term.
On our school grounds on Tuesday 7th of March, the students will be asked to dress in white clothes and run through a series of obstacles where safe non-toxic powder is thrown at them making an explosion of amazing colours!
There will be lots of giggles from our students as we have seen over the past few years. Parents are welcome to watch and see their student's face light up having so much fun. We would also love some help on the day. If you can volunteer, that would be amazing.
If you are available between 8:30 and 3:00pm even just for an hour please consider helping out by volunteering at the Colour Explosion Fundraiser. Things we need help with on the day:
- Setting Up
- Spray powder during the Colour explosion
- Clean Up
Volunteers must have a valid working with children's check https://forms.gle/YWqw6mx89cpNjmj7A
Please click this link to sign up (in the skills section write colour run) https://forms.gle/YWqw6mx89cpNjmj7A h
Monday 13th March
Labour Day (Public Holiday) School Closed
Monday 3rd April to Wednesday 5th April
Year 7 Camp
Students will be staying two nights at Narmbool Lodge. The lodge is equipped with en-suite bathrooms, a large informal lounge, and a kitchen and dining area where students will be served breakfast, lunch, dinners, and snacks. Narmbool will cater all meals aside from the first morning tea and lunch, which will be brought with the students on the first day. On Wednesday morning we will head to Sovereign Hill where we will spend the day before heading back to school.
Tuesday 25th April
ANZAC Day (Public Holiday) School Closed