Year 6 Term 1 Overview

Year 6 Term 1 Curriculum Outline
A warm welcome to all our Grade 6 families! Our students have settled into school routines very quickly and we are delighted to have them back.
Term 1 Learning:
In Reading, students will develop an understanding of how fiction and non fiction texts vary in their purpose, structure, and topic. The students will be learning how author’s use sentence structure, vocabulary and figurative language to convey different ideas. The students will continue to develop and consolidate their comprehension strategies skills to analyse text features, language features and text content.
In Writing, the students will be exploring Narratives and Poetry. Students will learn how to innovate on mentor texts to convey their own ideas in writing. They will use 6+1 traits such as ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and sentence fluency to further enhance their writing.
In Numeracy, students will continue exploring our big idea ‘Fractional Thinking- Operating with Decimal Numbers where they will represent, order, compare and rename decimals. They will investigate Time, Properties Of Numbers including composite/prime numbers, Length, Area and Transformation of 2D Shape and Financial Mathematics.
This term our Social and Emotional Learning will focus on SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support)
- Yarning circles, caves, billabongs etc
- School values and expectations
PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies)
- Identifying complements Daily and building relationships.
RRRR (The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships)
- Understanding emotions and consequences of emotions.
- Identifying personal strengths and challenges to further develop skills.
- Positive relationships with peers, teachers and the community.
- Conflict resolution strategies and positive outcomes to problems.
Within Inquiry, we will be exploring Geography. Students will be comparing maps, geographical features, social and cultural information between Australia and North America/Europe.
General Reminders:
- Wear runners on PE days and Year 6 sport (Wednesday).
- Please ensure that you check and log into Compass regularly, as these will be the main portals that we (the teachers) will communicate information with you on. Compass is also the place where you will be able to access your child’s goals and strategies at home to support their goals. These will be released twice a term, week 5 and week 10 and will tell you what your child has achieved in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and SEL dispositions.
- Laptops need to be functional and charged each night before bringing them back to school each day.
- Reading every night for a minimum of 30-60 mins and documented in their diaries. Diaries will be checked every Friday.
- Practising Ongoing Reporting Goals.
- Any unfinished work from school.
- Mathletics.